Seek Reconciliation

Romans 12:17-18

25 years ago, Oshea Israel (who was just 16 at the time) killed Mary Johnson’s only son (who was 20) when they butted heads at a party in north Minneapolis. While Israel’s case crept through the course system over the next couple of years, Johnson wanted to see him pay for what he’d done. But, according to an article in the Winona Post, Johnson was a Christian, and after reading a poem she came across in a book, and after much prayer, and after attending many worship services, the Holy Spirit did a work in her that she didn’t expect. Johnson and Israel were eventually reconciled, with Johnson offering him forgiveness. They went on to become neighbors and began traveling together, sharing their story with inmates, at schools, and on television. Today’s verse calls Christians to not repay anyone evil for evil, which is easier said than done. But Johnson did. Are you at odds with somebody over an injustice they did? Work through the process of forgiveness. And seek reconciliation.


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