Admit Your Disappointment With God

John 11:21-22

When have you felt hopeless or disappointed in God? Were you afraid to speak exactly what you were thinking? Perhaps you didn’t feel God would ever listen to your prayers again if you really told Him what you were thinking. At her lowest point, Martha spoke her mind to Jesus. She didn’t hold back. Her faith held the attention of Jesus’ power and her disappointment. She could still believe in His care for her and His healing power, even if He hadn’t shown up when she had requested. Of course, Martha‘s story is with a greater display of Jesus’ power as He raised her brother Lazarus, but we don’t always experience God deliverance in such dramatic ways. Regardless of the results, Martha’s faith after experiencing tremendous loss and grief shows that you can surrender your circumstances to God in faith, hope, and most importantly, honesty. Your honesty doesn’t have to undermine your faith.


Talking To Yourself


Seek Reconciliation