Our Constant Companion

Acts 23:1-13

Although bodily in heaven, Jesus is present in spirit with all of His people just as He promised (Matt 28:20). When the apostle Paul was facing serious charges and threats on his life, the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul“ (v11). And later, from a dungeon just before his execution, Paul recalled, “At my first defense no one came to my support… But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength… The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack” (2Tim 4:16-18). Paul sensed the nearness of Christ while he was a prisoner in a soldiers’ barracks and later in life as he sat in a cold, damp dungeon. We too can know that the Lord is always with us. He is our constant companion. Jesus is only a prayer away.


A Pleasant Diversion


My Lord