My Lord

John 20:19-29

On the day of His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples and showed them His hands and feet. We are told at first they could not believe for joy—it appeared too wonderful to be true. Thomas was not with the disciples, but he also had trouble believing until he saw for himself. When Jesus appeared Thomas and told him to put his fingers in the nail holes in his hand in His side, Thomas cried, “My Lord and my God!” (v28). You and I have never seen Jesus calm a storm or raise someone from the dead. We haven’t sat at His feet on a Galilean hillside and heard Him teach. But through eyes of faith we have been spiritually healed by His death on our behalf. Thus we can join Thomas and countless others acknowledging Jesus as our Lord. Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (v29). When we believe, we too can call Jesus, “My Lord and my God!“


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