God’s Poem

Exodus 31:1-5

Our reading today beautifully describes how the God of the universe worked in Bezalel to deliver all he needed for the life to which God had called him. Did you know the same is true for you as a Christ follower? Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The Greek word for workmanship translates to our English word “poem.” Paul said we are God’s poem, His work of art. God’s purpose for this work of art is that we live a life of good works, not to save ourselves, but out of gratitude for saving us through Christ. We are to show the difference that Christ makes in a life. Do you allow your circumstances to determine how you invest your life? Or do you let God work through you to make a difference? Ask God to reveal His purposes for you and His will for you today. Dear Lord, thank you for making me a work of art. May I please You and all that I do.


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