He Calms Our Storms

John 16:33

I have often heard that we are either in a storm, headed for storm, or just coming out of a storm. One thing is for sure, we all experience times of crisis. Sometimes one may be attacked from outside, and other times attacks come from within. Yet in the midst of our troubles, our dear Lord Jesus promised peace. It’s not that Jesus necessarily fixes our troubles; He gives us Himself. Not only are we promised peace; we are promised tribulation in this world. Tribulation can speak of being attacked wrongly on both sides—being hemmed in, unable to clearly see a way out. Yet even in the midst of difficult times, He is there. We may feel surrounded, but we must remember He always provides a way out. Today’s passage encourages us to “be of good cheer, Jesus has overcome the world.” Whatever has the potential to defeat us, He has already defeated. Now that’s a good word. Lord Jesus, we can overcome because You overcame.


God’s Poem


Choosing Him