Homework Never Ends

Proverbs 23:24

You probably have many labels. Many of the labels we wear involve teaching. If you’re a parent, homework never ends, although some may refuse to accept their assignments. Your children look to you as a model. Your behavior can become their behavior. What you accept is what they accept. What you say is, well, you get the idea. When you’re at home, work at being intentional as a parent. When you ask your children to do, be, or say something different than what they see in your life, they can be confused. Intentional parents understand their legacy comes at a price. Either they pay the price or their kids do. The time you spend doing homework is not just an investment in your children, but also in your grandchildren. Leaving our kids without our example and encouragement will ultimately yield a generation with little direction or respect for others. It’s never too late to ask God to be intentional about helping you help your children.


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