God Is There For You

Psalm 34:17

Those who have lived the Christian life for any length of time have likely had a good chance to learn an important lesson about a life of faith, namely, that God never promised that it would be easy or that there wouldn’t be times of difficulty. Indeed, any effort to find a scriptural promise telling us that the Christian life is a trouble-free life would end in frustration and failure. In fact, Jesus promised quite the opposite when He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Yes, in this world, we’re going to face times of trouble. But there is one promise that God has made repeatedly in His written Word for believers facing times of difficulty. Time and time again, He tells us, “I’ll be there for you.” God is our loving heavenly father, and He’s also a devoted friend who is there for us in our times of greatest trouble.


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