Chasing Fantasies

Proverbs 12:11

All of us have land to till each day. It is our lot, and it has been assigned to us to provide for our families. For some, it is physical land; for others, it is a real estate office, a teller window, a delivery truck, a taxicab, or an office. While our tasks may feel like drudgery at times, an attitude odd diligence and gratitude can, and should, spur us on. Just as farmers work in different stages—from cultivation, to preparing for the crop to come, to harvest, our jobs require constant preparation. Even established real estate agents have to stay informed of current property laws while also meeting with new clients on a regular basis and maintaining relationships with current clients. It’s a never-ending, time-consuming cycle. It doesn’t have to come at the expensive hobbies or even starting a new small business though. When Solomon condemns fantasy in our verse today, he’s referring to sloth and inactivity, not hard-working entrepreneurs who are busy tilling the ground.


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