Truth and Freedom

John 8:31-32

A disciple is a follower, and key to following Jesus is studying, knowing, and obeying the truths found in God‘s Word. Discipleship begins with believing that Jesus is who He said He is and believing that we are the sinners He says we are! But discipleship also means abiding or remaining in the Word. We need to realize that our spiritual health, the very health of our soul, is dependent on the truths of Scripture. We need to eat this bread regularly; we need to go to God‘s Word to receive the spiritual nourishment it alone offers. When we study God‘s Word, we grow in spiritual knowledge. We come to understand better, for instance, the seriousness of sin and the price Jesus paid for our deliverance from sin. As we spend time reading Scripture, the Holy Spirit works to change our hearts, and His work enables us to gain freedom from sin.


Our Fearless Champion


The Fullness of His Glory