What Motivates You To Pray?

Psalm 100:4-5

You may be most likely to pray in a time of need, but your circumstances shouldn’t be the first thing on your mind when you enter a time of prayer. In fact, you may struggle to pray if you don’t approach God with thanksgiving and praise. Thanksgiving and praise keep your circumstances in proper perspective. Why do you turn to God in prayer? Is it because of something you want? Or are you moved toward God because of His goodness, love, and faithfulness throughout the generations? Without a reality check into the love, goodness, and faithfulness of God, who knows which direction your prayers will go? You come to God because you’re His beloved child. You come to God in prayer because He could never forget his own or leave his children behind. You come to God in prayer because you can trust His goodness even if you can’t understand His place in your circumstances. Skipping the praise that He is due could result in some very self-centered prayers that miss an understanding of how deeply God cares for you.


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