He Made Him to Be Sin

2 Corinthians 5:21

As Christians we are grateful to be forgiven of our sins. We are thankful that we have been adopted as God’s children. Yet we will never comprehend the awesome price that Jesus paid to cleanse us from our sin and to give us His righteousness. In an awesome exchange, God placed the sin of humanity upon His righteous Son. Jesus became so identified with our sin that scripture says God made Him to be sin on our behalf. The holy Son of God could not possibly do more for us than this! Experiencing the Father‘s wrath upon the sin He carried would have been more painful to endure than any human reaction or physical suffering. Never take the righteousness God has given you for granted. Never take the forgiveness of your sin lately. It cost God a terrible price in order to forgive you and make you righteous. Walk in a manner worthy of the righteousness He has given you.


God’s Thinking Is Not Man’s Thinking


Praise before Victory