I Know He Watches Me

Proverbs 15:3-4

The old hymn says, “His eyes on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” Comforting, right? Well, yes—knowing that God watches me as I make my way through the day brings me peace—but it should also bring an awareness that He sees everything I do: the good and not-so-good. The unkind word, the sinful thought I allow to linger in my mind, the hurtful attitude toward another—He sees this too, and it hurts His heart. But in reality, this knowledge should fill our hearts with joy to realize that once we enter into a relationship with God through His Son, Jesus, He doesn’t just leave us to our own devices. He gives His Word and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to guide our steps—light for our path and a Guide to lead us in the way that uses an honors Him. In all that we face daily, and the struggles and triumphs that make up our lives, we should seek to please Him above all else.


God Potential


A Friend Indeed