Ritual or Relationship

Jeremiah 2:6

Christianity is an intimate, growing relationship with the person of Jesus Christ. It is not a set of doctrines to believe, habits to practice, or sins to avoid. Every activity God commands is intended to enhance His love relationship with His people. Religious activity apart from fellowship with God is empty ritual. The people of Jeremiah‘s day were satisfied to have the ritual without the manifest presence of God. They became so comfortable with their “religion“ that they didn’t even notice God‘s absence. Is it possible to pray, to attend a worship service, or to give an offering yet not to experience the presence of God? It certainly is possible! And that has the sad commentary on many a Christian experience. Don’t settle for a religious life that lacks a vital relationship to Jesus Christ. When God is present, the difference will be obvious.


The Key to God’s Redemptive Mission


Jesus Cried