Seek First

Matthew 6:33

Why does God require us to seek Him? Why doesn’t He just make Himself known without so much effort on our part? While it’s not difficult for anyone to know the Lord, we must seek Him for two important reasons. First, seeking God is a demonstration of our faith in Him. Because God wants an intimate relationship with you, He will place you in situations that require you to look beyond yourself for help and guidance. When you pursue the Lord, you acknowledge both that He exists and that He has what you need. Second, seeking God is a demonstration of your dependence upon Him. The universe is upheld by His perfect power—He is the Creator and Sustainer of all. And when you diligently pursue Him, you declare your ultimate reliance upon Him for all things. You acknowledge that He is your provider and that you’re willing to relinquish control and lean on Him for your every need.


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