He Will Lift You Up

Nehemiah 4:10

Nehemiah is known as the great builder and rebuilder. Under his guidance, the people of Israel cleared the rubble and constructed walls nonstop. Nehemiah was dealing with a group of discouraged builders. Longing to see progress, they can only see rubbish in need of removal. Nehemiah‘s remedy was to organize and encourage the Israelites. He first reminded them that God was with them. Then he assigned them to work in shifts so they could rest regularly. Each family was given their own section of the wall to complete. With these changes came a renewed sense of community and focus. It’s easy to become discouraged when you are isolated and tired. Perhaps you have worked late too often, or things have happened in your family to make it impossible for you to rest. Follow Nehemiah’s example today, and work to be restored and to defeat discouragement. Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.


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