Does Christ Live Here?

Mark 9:1-8

A pastor and his wife serving in a small village visited a home for the first time, and only the wife who lived there was home. Later, when her husband came home from work, she said, “The new preacher and his wife came by today.” “And what did you say?” “He asked, ‘Does Christ live here?’ I didn’t know what to answer.” The husband, a bit irritated, asked, “Why didn’t you tell him we go to church, say our prayers, and read the Bible?” “He didn’t inquire about any of those things,” she replied. “He only asked, “Does Christ live here?” If our eyes are properly focused on Jesus, then like Paul (on the Damascus road) and the disciples (when Jesus was transfigured) we will see “Jesus only!” It will be clear that in our homes, Jesus lives there.


Jesus’ Invitation


His Friends Know